Reflection Journal Multi-Media Entry 4: My Name Is Khan


This is a reflection to the movie “My Name is Khan” that was an Indian film made up in 2010. Rizvan Khan is an American muslim man who suffers from Asperger’s  syndrome that is a form of high functioning autism and this causes to make socialization complicated. The movie is about the  challenge of this person to speak to the President seriously. There are a lot of scenes that affect me in many aspects, but it is better to mention about scenes that are related to special education since our dealing is about this issue. In early ages of Rizvan, his mother said that “ there are only two kinds of people; good people wo do good deeds and bad people who do bad.” She taught him by drawing schemas and their relations. Then, Rizvan learnt how to adapt to the society with different types of people. While he was talking, people around him would think that he is mad at first, but this was resulting in his problem that he couldn’t use or show gestures and facial expressions, but again with his problem; he is also very intelligent and doesn’t have any mental disabilities. When people are aware of this fact, they think that he isn’t mad really, even he is better that us mentally. His brother has a company and he wants Rizvan to sell the company’s beauty products ,and Rizvan goes and find a beauty center. When he enters here first, women in the center consider this strange and can not give a meaning. On the other hand, when he began to present beauty products very effectively, they started to think that he is not insane, and products are really good to use. In the last, when he arrived at the president, Rizvan took a permission from him and spoke to the country: “My name is Khan and I’m not a terrorist” and also mentioned about his mother’s saying that I wrote above before. He had become a symbol for peace and had overcome prejudices about muslims. As we understand from above explanations, people with disabilities should not be seen as different and incapable. Their being different is resulting from our bias. Hence, not try to integrate them into society, the important thing is to eliminate any prejudices about them. 

Reflection Journal 4: Special Education

Education is one of the main pillars of countries. Many societies have made great progress by giving importance to the field of education. It is a world wide known fact that educated people make a undeniable contribution to the development of their countries. Also, education plays a significant role in transmitting accumulated knowledge, customs and values from one generation to the next. On the other hand,  education has certain malfunctions in some stages of its framework. In this article, I want to talk about special education for the students who lack of some learning abilities and the students who are given to special interests by educators. I want to begin with a book that I read before: House Rules by Jodi Picoult. This book tells a special child with Asperger’s syndrome from a mother’s tongue. Asperger’s syndrome is a kind of autism and Jacob has its characteristics. For instance, structure is important for Jacob, that’s why his mom created house rules: 1.Tell the truth 2.Brush your teeth 3.Take care of your brother and so on. One day, Jess Ogivy, caretaker of Jacob, is found dead and nobody knows who really did it and all the suspicions on the boy with autism and nobody thinks the matter between justice and illness. This book affected me deeply and I wanted to share it with you. My another point is the giving no importance to the students’ interests and abilities, and the fact that they are being misdirected are incredible mistakes because these really affect their future career and life in a negative way. Especially, this issue hasn’t been taken into consideration seriously by experts or other authorized persons in our country. People around the students should be aware of the fact that  every individual has his/her own interests and skills, and they should leave them kids alone about what they want to be and revealing their predominant attributes. All in all, I wanted to attract your attention and make people more sensitive towards these issues. Also, I wanted to emphasize the roles of parents and teachers about determining students’ future career and development of them in their interests.

Article Reflection Multi-Media Entry 3: Rapport-Talk And Report-Talk

As I mentioned before in my reflection of the article ‘Rapport-talk and Report-talk’, men and women are different from in terms of everything. The conversation style between them is one of these differences and I think it is the biggest one. When we think about this subject, a question comes to our minds: Who talks much? Men or women? According to men, the answer is so simple, of course women talk much than men but let’s consider this subject from another point of aspect. We can answer this question it changes in accordance with the situations. While women talks much about individual states, men talk much about communal ones and we can explain it like the author of the article has done before, as rapport talking and report talking. The youtube video that I indicated above approach this topic amusingly. In this video, as we all know there is animation of cars. Most of us like this animation but surely no one had realized that approximately the whole animation is about this subject. While you are watching the some parts of scenes, you will become aware of the conversation differences between the female and male types of the cars. By means of that video, you will understand what exactly I and the writer of the article mean and what the rapport and report talking are, sweet watchings!

Article Reflection 3: Rapport-Talk And Report-Talk


It is said that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. I think it is a completely true sentence because Mars and Venus are two opposite planets and they sum men and women. Men and women are different from each other in terms of everything; their lifestyles, interests, bodies, needs and so on. Their conversation styles are one of the biggest differences between them, maybe the biggest one. In this article ‘Rapport-talk and Report-talk’, the writer says that men talk for information while women talk for interaction. By means of this, she thinks that men do speak comfortably in public whereas women like private speaking as comfortably. I agree with the writer that the speakings of men and women can change according to the person or people whom they talk with. To start with, women are emotional creatures and because of that they talk about their feelings much more then men. I know that they really love about to do this. In opposed to women, men are not like that. They like giving information while they are talking or they talk about the news especially the ones that are related to sports more than details with particular reasons of the situations. Even if a man is sentimental, he doesn’t like talk about his problems about his job, his feelings about his marriage or shortly about his life, for instance. In consequently, we said that women and men are different but they can both talk more. This situation changes in accordance with the subject and I think that their conversation difference between them is the result of their interests and lifestyle. Moreover, another reason for the difference in their conversations may depend on the person or people whom they talk with. For example, men can talk confidently and confortably with people whoever they are, even if they don’t know but women are not like that. I think they can do this with only friends or familiar people. This situation is again related for things that I mentioned before. All in all, not only women but also men can talk more with regard to the topic that they talk about and the people whom they speak with, and in my opinion we all should show respect the people whoever they are and whatever they do.

Reflection Journal Multi-Media Entry 3: Power of Advertising

People  are  affected  by  advertisements,  however  there  are  some  that  believe  people  make  their  own  decisions  and  are  not  affected  by  advertisements. For  example  they  argue  that  people  can  resist  even  subliminal   messages. According  to  Kirkpatrick, who  is  a  professor  on  marketing  in  California State  University,  there  is  no  subliminal  messages  because  subliminal  means  below  our  limit  of  perception . So  how  can  subliminal  messages  affect  people? However,  he  has  not  considered  one  thing. Actually  people  can  perceive them but  not  recognize  them   completely. This  cause  to  not  remember  what  we  saw  or  smell  or  heard  clearly.  But  this  does  not  mean  we  cannot  be  affected.  I  want  to  give  an  example  to  illustrate  that  clearly.  Kirkpatrick  stated  that  “ a  movie  theater  in  1957,  the  words  ‘eat  popcorn’  and  ‘drink  Coca-Cola’  were  flashed on  the  screen  at  a  speed  no  one  could  perceive. During  intermission  the  sales  of  popcorn  supposedly  increased  58  percent  and  the  sales  of  Coca-Cola  18  percent.”. People  in  movie  theatre  actually saw  the  words  but  they  do  not  know  that. Can  we  say  they  buy  coca cola  and  the  popcorn  because  of  their  own  free  will or  the  words  they  see  lead  to  buy  them? Another example  is  a  research  which  is  done  by  Duke  University.  They  took  two  group  of  people  in  research.. Participiants  was  shown  a  video  which  they  need  to  say  which  corner  of  the  video  the  box  appear and go  quickly. However,  what  participiants  did  not  know  is  that  one  group  also  saw  apple  logo which  is  quckly  poped up  in  the  video  while  the  another  group  sees  IBM  logo  in  the  same  way.  The  researched  reveal that  participiants  who  saw apple  logo  were  getting  more  creative  than  the  others.  As  a  result,  we  can  say  that  people  can  easily  be  affected  by what  they  are  not  aware  of. Actually,  people  cannot  resist  what  they  actually  does  not  recognize?  So  these  advertisements  affect  people even  people  do  not  know.

Reflection Journal 3: Power Of Advertising

Do  you  know  that  in  1991  Sweeden  prohibited  adevertisements  during  children’s  private  time  or  “In 2001, U.S. advertising expenditures topped $230 billion”? Why  are  governments  banning  advertisements  or  why  companies  are  going  through  a  lot  of  money  for  advertising? These  bring  us to  one  point. Advertising  is  powerful  in  affecting  people  and  they  gain  this  power  by  bombarding  people  with  advertising  and  by  appealing  to  people’s  senses  and  emotions to make people buy things that people do not need or not want. Advertising  affects  people’s  buying  choices  when  they  are  shopping. Advertisers  appeal  to  consumers’  senses  and  emotions  in  order  to  influence  their  decisions.  First  of  all,  advertisers  can  use  sences  to  sell  a  product  to  a  customer  which  does  not  need  that  product. For  example,  Lindstorm  states  that  supermarkets  are  placing  their  bakeries  near  of  the exits so that  people  can  smell  the  “fresh baked smell”  and  they  are  willing  to  buy  the products.  This  is  not  the only  usage  of  scent.  Advertisers  have  found  a  new  crucial  method  which  is  called  “sensory  branding”.  Before  this  method  advertiserts  thought  that the  most  effective  part  of  an  advertisement  is  the  visual  part. But  the  reality  is that  when  sight  is  used  together  with  another  sence,  the  power  of  effectiveness  of  advertisement  is  remarkably  increasing. So in  sensory  branding,  advertisers  use  at least  two  sence, such  as  smell  and sight,  together  and  they  are  making  a  link  betweeen  these  sences  and  consumers’  emotions.  Vanilla  smell  is  a  good  example  of  this.  As  Lindstorm  stated,  there  is  vanilla  flavour  in  breast-milk.  This  makes  consumers  assossiate  vanilla  scent  with  their  childhood  memory, fedding  from  your  mother’s  breast, and  bring  them  to  happines.  That  is  why  “Johnson & Johnson’s  Baby’s smell”  is  always  memorable. Smell   is  more  effective  than  the  other  sences.  In a research  which  is  done in  Georgia  State  University , it  is found  that  “All  of  our  other  senses, you  think  before  you  respond,  but  with  scent,  your  brain  responds  before  you  think.”.  So  when  you  are  affected  by  a  smell  you  like,  it  is  too  hard  to  resist  this  smell.  Because you  cnnot  think  before  you  take  action.   This makes  smell  one  of  the  most  powerful  weapons  in  advertisers’  hands. Advertisers  use  scent  and  other  senses to  change  our  buying decisions. In conclusion,   advertising  can  influence  people’s  buying  choices  by  making  people  have  to  see  advertisement  everywhere  and  by  using  our  sences  and  emotions. People cannot  get  rid  of  them  while  they cannot  find  a  way  to  escape them  and  influence of  them  or  while people  cannot be  aware  of  them. In  this  situation, it  is  undeniable  to  say  that  we  can  buy  the  same  products  without  advertisements  through  free will.

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