Journal Set 2: Freedom Writers

First of all, I want to appreciate the movie “Freedom Writers” since the  teacher who used several methods for students in the movie became one of the most effective models that I want to be during my education career in future.
Erin has established the relevance of subject to their students and while doing this, she was appearing confident and friendly. Also, she was very engaged and dramatic when she taught. While teacher is in this way, students feel themselves in a reliable environment, and they start to mention about their life stories. Hence, this enthusiastic approach of teacher makes the classroom environment very effective, and students begin participating in class regularly. Additionally, students start to share their living struggle, and to be far away from street war. By the way, Erin wants students to follow a diary and talk about their life stories whichever they want to write in this diary. This method makes them more eager to lectures. Thus, we can see encouraging and supportive features of Erin as an effective teacher. In addition to this, Erin integrates music into lectures, and students use it in classroom environment. They prepare concerts and parties to contribute to their school needs and to show development of them. Teacher specifically draws out students’opinions, feelings, and ideas and actively incorporate these into her instruction. By doing this, Erin conveys warmth to her students. On the other hand, school administration doesn’t like her methods of teaching, and adapting students to classroom environment even though she is very impressive in these areas. Meanwhile, Erin tries to motivate more her students and she invites Anne Frank. Students become more and more willing and encouraged to education and follow their ways that they are in after they listen to her. This really made them open their eyes to the world. Moreover, students have changed not only in the classroom environment but also outside school and social life. Their moral values arrive at very high levels and they really start to think about their families. Students have become more eager to live regularly and in a constructive way rather than in a violence environment and with no moral values.
As we can understand from above explanations, we saw how an effective teacher with personal attributes and characteristics affects their students’ life both educationally and socially. Hence, teachers should be aware of the fact that their role in societies is very critical, so the more teachers are self-sacrificing, the more powerful societies will arise. Finally, teachers should know different attributes impact on students and should work to enhance them.

Journal Set 2: Health and Welness Tips For College Students

Many college students seem that they couldn’t spare enough time for keeping up on their personal health and wellness until they get an illness while they are in rush of college life. I think there are  a few tips about dieting, exercising, sleeping etc. to help students and stay healthy throughout their education. For instance, when I first came to university, generally I was eating junk food, unhealty snacks and I was always skipping breakfast because they all seemed time saving to me. But I understood that I was wrong because I was getting to have eating disorder and  I became ill afterwards. What is more, I didn’t have a bedtime routine and I was doing physical exercises disorderly. I think these points about these subjects can be very useful to college students. In my opinion, we should organize our life routines well as eating every meal in their time, consuming healthy food, sleeping and exercising orderly. Consequently, in order not to be caught up an illness we should take necessary precautions like washing our hands, drinking lots of fluids and keeping immunizations up to date.

Journal Set 1: Favela Rising

Favela is locally known as ghettos of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Gangs, violence, drug dealing and conflict with police officials are a common part of daily life in this region. Anderson Sa is one of the member of favela and he was a drug-trafficker here. He saw violence and related ugly things in favela , and  also he saw many people that died in situations which police officials attacked them. After a while later, Anderson Sa realized the fact that the life that he was living had a dead end. Even innocent people were being killed at the time of police operations in favela because this area was known as criminal territory in the city, and people are all guilty. Hence, he decided to give up selling drugs and gang life to become the leader of this community in his struggle that is against violence. So, he became the representative and warrior of favela against violence and Anderson believed that music could be more than entertainment, so it would be a force for their right struggle.

In the movie Favela Rising, Anderson Sa had used his talent to take youth from using drugs, so he and his close friends decided to use music and dance in order to express their ideas in favor of nonviolent life, by the way children in favela want to be outlaw and Anderson and his friends start to inform them about outlaw’s future. After a while, police officials did not see their efforts and decide to make an attack to favelas again. Anderson’s music and dance group’s name was Affroreggae and This group lost its one of the first members in this police operation. This made them very sad, but at the same time made them more and more ambitious in their struggle. They were not comprehending to the attacks of police officials since they were only trying to create their own cultural universe with music and dance. Thus, they continued to work and develop their skills. Meanwhile, their number of fans continued to increase day by day, so expanded to many people. Their lyrics were including words and sayings against violence and in favor of justice. 

Journal Set 1: A Good Teacher

People are always in a marathon in this life. In order to achieve reputation, gain a lot of money, get better life conditions, they always struggle. Within this struggle, education in schools contains a huge time. People must continue to schools and get necessary education if they want to achieve something. At this point, one of the most important figures in education is teachers. Teachers are indispensable part of education. For a good education, teachers should have good characteristics, also. Everyone wants a good education and good teachers as well. First of all, a good teacher should have a strong conscience and love of human. Unfortunately, at the present time, people get more and more selfish and everybody begins to think their own benefits. Nobody cares anyone. I think this is the evil thing that makes our world a bad place to live in terms of many aspects. But if teachers inoculate love of human to hearts of students, this world will become much better. I think this is important for all the human beings. Moreover, a teacher must have a self confidence in order to be a good one. She should teach students to express themselves. In my opinion, expressing oneself is one of the big problems, nowadays. Because we are in space age, technological improvements besieged all around of us. Not only children but also adults become slaves of computers, cell phones, game pads etc. Owing to all these gadgets people began to grow apart from each other and lose their expressing ability. Being self confident ones, teachers should overcome this problem. Meanwhile, teachers should also do student-centered teaching method and bring up children with the skills of investigating, thinking, criticizing, reading and searching open minded. All in all, in order to be a good teacher, one must love her job without any hesitation.

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